
Monday, 29 January 2018

Moonshot MIT Assignment

As part of Maniakalani Innovative Teachers (MIT) 2018, Dorothy presented us with a Moonshot Assignment.  This was around looking at the idea/resource we are going to investigate, and create this year.  My MIT project is based around Accelerating Writing and helping teachers in particular to facilitate this accelerated progress.

This Moonshot thinking project involved looking indepth at; why we are focusing on this particular problem, and coming up with at least 2 different proposals/solutions

Thought provoking.  Thanks Dorothy.

Friday, 26 January 2018

KET Waitangi Day TOD

This morning I had to get up early to leave this beautiful location and attend our Annual KET TOD.  This year I was lucky to catch a ride with our New Principal, which allowed for lots of professional conversations as we took our hour long journey there and back.

Great company and coffee.  Thanks Michelle.

Learning from the day.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) :
Based on Research (including Hattie etc). Organised around the three principles and then three guidelines
(Independence, support and challenge, and access)

Ideas from discussions.

When setting up our learning spaces this year we need to do a check that the design that we run with is inclusive for all. Some children need quite, some need noise, some need movement, some need to be close to the door, gender differences and cultural differences are real, and some have physical limitations that need to be catered for.

In addition we learn't about the 3 domains (networks) and how that if we get this Universal Design for Learning right then the three domains (or networks) Engagement/Representation/Action and Expression will work together to increase learning and students perception of themselves as learners. This requires us as educators to foster and ensure that Favorable inclusive education. To do this the key element is to keep our Tamariki at the center of EVERYTHING we say and do. This also transcends to our digital environment, sites, and blogs.

3 Domains (Networks)
  1. Effective Network (WHY of Learning) Emotions, What motivates you, What is in it for me? ENGAGEMENT - Offer options and supports to stimulate motivation and sustained enthusiasm for learning.
  2. Recognition Network (WHAT) Immediate processing to make meaning, perception, senses - you look at something and it makes sense (attached to your memory), understanding REPRESENTATION - Present information in different ways to support access and understanding.
  3. Strategic Network (HOW) organizing, planning, monitoring ACTION AND EXPRESSION - Offer options and supports so everyone can create, learn share
As part of this discussion the concept of Cognitive Strain vs Cognitive Relief was discussed.

Quote of the day
Seek diverse perspective and walk in my shoes, offer solutions to everyone

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Welcome to my blog

This is a blog to share thoughts, ideas, successes and failures (which are a big part of the learning process).  Please comment to ask questions or to find out more as this will help me with my learning as well.

Kind regards