
Thursday, 14 February 2019

KET PLG @ Kaikohe West School

So on Sunday morning I get a call from my lovely partner in crime (Teaching buddy) asking... "did you know you are listed as presenting on Tuesday?"  UMMM NO!  I even had to ask what was I actually meant to be presenting, as I had no idea.

This was a chance to share our mini-inquiries that we completed last year.  I was partnered up with Debra Wallace from Kaikohe West and she did an amazing job of operating the technology, time keeping, and adding little bits as we went.  Thanks Deb!

Initially Jane talked to us and led us into our PLG presentation today, she shared with us a snapshot of our collective data that we would then look over in greater detail.  Teachers then split off into 2 groups that were to swap over mid way. 

Student Agency - Raewyn and Mattie
First we listened to Raewyn and Mattie present their mini inquiry on student agency.  

It was great hearing others ideas on what student agency looks like and how it aids both learning and students perception of themselves.  Great presentation too!

Vocabulary and Language building - Kariene and Deb
 This presentation went well.  It was great hearing about the different levels and ways to enhance language across the curriculum and also across the different age ranges and schools.  It was fantastic to hear how we have all begun moving our practices to those that encourage and enhance this language.  Was blown away by many of the secondary schools and how they also were continue to extend vocabulary even a their level.

Lots of focused discussion and sharing.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Ohaeawai School TOD - Maths PD

Image result for maths

It was great to work with Dianne Ogle again.  She will be working with us for the next few years on helping us to re-define our maths practices, especially with the use of Mixed ability grouping and establishing a program to reflect current research around enhancing achievement in Mathematics (especially with our minority groups).  Lots of challenges lie ahead.  Looking forward to our next session with her, and having her both teach in our classrooms, and observe us in our classes.

Key take aways:

  • Working in groups of 3
  • 1 task that suits all
  • Discussion and group work is key
  • Clarifying and Extending thinking
Key Challenge between now and her next visit.
  • Get children use to the idea of working together, and set clear expectations on what this should look like, feel like, and sound like.
Image result for bring it on

Saturday, 26 January 2019

KET 2019 - Teacher Only Day @ Waitangi

Pat Snedden welcomed us in via a link and we were able to hear him inspire us by talking about about the importance of our work in the KET and how it supports the wider network.  He discussed the importance of both our MET and KET vacancies and the need we have to fill them so that we could access as much support as possible.

Following Pat's welcome, we had Mark Osborne as a Key note speaker.  He discussed the 'maker movement' and again inspired us all to be not consumers of technology, knowledge and everything that this world has to offer but rather creators/innovators of it.  He further inspired us to do this in our classrooms and to get our kids inspired and motivated in this endevour.

We then broke into our first workshop.

This is one that I got asked to run, initially back in November 2018, following my presentation in AKL at the principals wananga.  This was a great opportunity to present the tool I had created in 2018 to teachers within our cluster and to have them work through a portion of if.

Unfortunately due to WiFi issues at the venue this was more frustrating than anything.  We had lots of people attend this workshop, but only some were able to access and begin using the framework and support materials within the site.  

However Feedback from those that were involved, enjoyed the workshop, were excited about the framework and resource, and could see lots of opportunities to use this in their teaching practice (regardless of the age they were teaching).  So this was a success.  SHAME ABOUT THE WIFI!

Workshop 2 - The Maker Movement (Mark Osborne)

Image result for make movement

Following this workshop my next workshop was to attend the one by Mark Osborne based around the maker movement.  This was lots of fun, with lots of hands on examples and problem solving.  Can't wait to get my hands on the presentation he shared with us, so watch this space.