Yesterday a package arrived at school. Receiving this package was both very exciting as well as extremely scary as it makes this year's professional journey seem even more real.
Late last year I applied and was successful in being offered the opportunity to be a Manaiakalani Class on Air teacher for 2021. I am looking forward to sharing what learning looks like in Rural New Zealand schools and within our Kaikohekohe cluster.
As we did not have 1:1 devices in Team Maunga to make Class on Air happen it also meant that I had to change year groups and move to a 1:1 Chromebook learning space. So this year's professional learning journey is massive, but also very motivating.
These are some areas I will be growing in:
Class on Air - Recording and critiquing practice
New collaborative teaching buddy
New Teaching Level
Using 1:1 devices
Students using blogs to share their learning.
Like my principal has said these are all areas I have strengths and passions in already so this is not a daunting thing but more a natural progression and bringing all these points together to maximize growth in both myself as well as my students.
Change is a catalyst for growth, and if we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always got.