
Friday, 7 August 2020

DFI - Day 4 - Dealing with Data

Connected Learners :  Share:  Tohatoha

Today's big focus was on Share or Tohatoha.  We were reminded that the act of share is important and it's not new.  It has been important to humans from the beginning of time, and it is based on such a range of topics from food and fishing to the things we achieve including our tears, frustrations, and successes. 

At the heart of what we missed in lockdown would have been sharing, sharing time and moments with others.  With lockdown, this caused an explosion of sharing which was evident in the number of blog posts.

With Maniakalani and being a partner school, digital sharing is a huge part of what we are focusing on.

In 2005 Manaiakalani noticed that technology was changing the way we could share. This is when social media was just started coming into its own.  Fight it or embrace it!  Was the decision that needed to be made and Maniakalani chose to embrace it.   

This notion of sharing became another hook to empower our students in their learning. Connecting instantly is a hook. - This was why it was intentionally included as part of the Maniakalani Pedagogy.

We share because we value it - we just have new ways to add to our Kiti of sharing.  We also value the other people who respond to our sharing.  Therefore learning is enhanced because Sharing provides the purpose for learning as there is a real audience.  

Really appreciated the diagram that was shared about "Connected Learners Share"  It was a diagram that had a circle cut into 4 parts at the centre was a picture of a world with hands surrounding it.  The four sections showed the following.  Ask Dorothy if I can include the image from the slide deck)

  • 1:1 sharing is vital
  • small group sharing (you know the name of everyone)
  • A large group (like an assembly hall, theater... - you get a vibe back form the.
  • Global audience - Prior to the digital age this was out of the reach of the majority of people.

Blogger was chosen as a main online space this is because:

  • It resembles and has functionality like current ways young people share.
  • Able to provision it legally.
  • Children are able to access it and add to it but it is owned by the School BOT
  • Multiple sign-ins are taken out
  • 3 ways to check it - Hapara, email account, class blog - kids blogs listed down the sided so we can keep an eye on it as we go.
  • Google owns it - google promotes google so will promote blogs.
  • Multipurpose - you can pay people to make it look amazing or like a website
  • Can be used by both teachers and learners - Also why it is a requirement of this course
Share to finish learning - (change from share to learn).  Some students could leave school without finishing ANYTHING! - It is a life skill and something that students NEED to know about. sharing supports children to understand and a sense of purpose to FINISH.  It's a good idea to change thinking from having something 'finished' - to having something 'ready to share'.

Learn, Create, Share is a spiral and share is a vital place to start - Share to learn - share becomes a starting place for learning this provides the purpose/engagement for students to 


The use of online spaces like Blogger is also first and foremost a platform for ensuring our children become cyber smart.

Cybersmart - Likened to a driving instructor
Cars are very functional the purpose of being in it is to become a competent safe driver... Blogger may not be the flashed thing out - but this enables students to really focus on what they need to learn.  - In the end, you have to go out on the open road to learn to drive, and in the same way, we need students to be creating and sharing in a digital space to learn and creating Cyber smart digital citizens. 

Cyber safety is VITAL.  Blogging is about connecting but it isn't the main focus.  It is the NUMBER 1 FOCUS and delivery vehicle for creating this cyber smart digital citizens. 

]Johan Hattie - feedback/feedforward in the high impact shift of our teaching.

Today we also played around with Google Forms and linked this to Google Sheets and from here to my maps as well.  Some great ideas and work were done in these areas.

(Will share another post with the links to work we did in these sessions).

Hapara hot tips.

Blog posts/comments

Great to refresh what I have started doing at school - as my class isn't on Hapara.

Also the idea of using this to work out who to comment on - rather than just commenting on anyone.  Good to also move these students who we need to monitor more closely to the top of your Hapara dashboard.


  1. You learnt a lot in this session. IT's great that the DFI course refreshed what yo have started in school. I always enjoy reading your posts. Especially the way you capture Dorothy's little pedagogy talks. Awesome!!

  2. Hi Kariene
    So good to have you with us on the DFI and sharing your wealth of experience with our cohort. I'm glad you are picking up a few tips here and there or things you may have forgotten about. I can't imagine teaching without Hapara, it is my go to for everything, are we in the right place, sharing files, checking blogs and I like the updates for workspaces they're pushing through.
    Is your header the view from your place? It looks gorgeous.
    Nga mihi

  3. Gee thanks Kerry, you will make me blush!

    I am learning more and more about Hapara Kerry which is fantastic. My only use of it up until now has been to set classes up in Hapara as a tech person. So actually seeing how it works has been FANTASTIC. I am learning to like it more and more! You can do so much through it.

    Yes the header is the view from our place (the photo is a year old so the plants in front have grown alot - makes it look even more beautiful!).

