Being Cyber Smart - Fiona Grant
Being cyber smart is embedded in our Maniakalani (and Kaikohekohe) pedagogy and we need to empower our students and whanau in this. Being committed to using powerful positive and language in comments is an important part of this.
Why Cyber Smart - If we want our students to be students who are connected and actively involved in their learning then this is essential as we want to encourage students to be "at home in a digital world" - Kua tangata whenua ki te ao matihiko.
Cyber smart is about being empowered, it is about being proactive and positive online. To create this our Cyber smart teaching program needs to be a purposeful and intentional program.
The goal is about; Creating positive and successful citizens.
Security on devices is like an iceberg - so much is under the surface that BOT is responsible for ... e.g. This is the SECURE part - e.g. Hapara, N4L, Google console, fusion, blogger ... but the bit that sits above is the SMART part - which is where classroom teachers have an important role to play. The devices are way more powerful and the internet is way more accessible but we need to make sure that our learners are accessing a lot more both inside and outside of school as well.
We need to focus on both parts of this iceberg - Being secure is not enough we need them to learn to be smart - That is where students learn to be connected and a positive digital citizen. Both are important.
This takes practice - it isn't something that just happens we need to be very conscious about what we are supporting students and how we are using language and content with regards to this. - If both aren't working hand in hand then our students don't have the opportunity to put their cyber smart learning into practice.
Cybersmart is a whole school focus - the talk needs to be the same and consistent throughout the school. - it also needs to be a priority. Cybersmart values are similar across year levels but the approach and content delivered as part of this program would vary depending on year level.
"Being cyber smart empowers learners to connect with their learning is visible and ubiquitous".
Empowering - Kawa of care - needs to be a lived document (how are we connecting learners with this element of care). - highlight these elements.
"Confidence, connected, actively involved lifelong learners" - NZ curriculum ???
Ubiquitous - Looking after device and keeping it safe because this is their device - them taking responsibility for how they are connecting online.
Connected - empower our young people to engage in online behavior and thinking that ... elevates positive actions. - learning how to create and maintain a positive
If they don't have an opportunity to connect online they don thave the authentic context to learn this.
Visible - "Whenever and wherever we hare online... it's personal!" - By default what we share is personal - we have to teach them to learn about what is something personal that we can share and something that is not. - not only is id linked to our digital footprint but it is also linked to my personal thoughts as well. - When learning is shared it is personal - Need to teach them about what is public and private.
New part for me...
Smart Parent - a really important part of our Digital cyber smart program. - Common language - Based around Positive, helpful, and thoughtful - similar throughout school and fo parents too.
Empower our students in this common language so they can have these conversations with their peers and with their parents.
Google sites to empower parents - "Cybersmart learning is at its best when embedded into an existing educational programme."
Hapara - Lenva Shearing
Started off as a little NZ company to fill a gap in what was needed. - all new releases are released to Manaialaki schools to test - so they have huge control over what is happening. - This is good for us because our pedagogy aligns.
Click on the blue star to bring it into your 'my class tab' . - So you can control what you see in this area.
Dashboard - (Dashboard, Gmail, and Sharing) - the first 3 tabs is our access into their Gsuite themselves.
Dashboard - only shows current class folders (the ones that were created at the beginning of the year) and where we get students to file their work - An idea for next year is to check that an extra 'personal' folder is added.
Sharing tab - allows us to see all the things that have not been put in the class folders.
(all docs button - shows all files - those in the folders and those that aren't in the right) - where you can search the ENTIRE drive).
Class groups can easily creatable and visible through Hapara - they will stay the same no matter where you are in Hapara.
Access to Blog and Comments - Under the More option for primary students - hover if you need to.
Smart share - also found on the dashboard page - able to share and file things correctly. This is better than sharing via google drive or emailing - place them directly into the drive, this will ensure that they are in the right folder and that the students copy is created in the right place and then they can access - Simple Simple way to do it. As long as its a file (PDF, JPEG Doc ...) in your drive you can share it in this way- doesn't have to be google.
Gmail - clicking on the subject line allows you to check it quickly and not have to download - allows you to see all mail received and all mail deleted/draft/received.
Class info - this is where you can find emails, their ID. Also where you can change your password.
Create workspace through Hapara - Might be a good place to look at - (slide deck on this to review)
Hapara Highlights - All about visibility and knowing if they are actively engaged or not.
This module is controlled by 2 things - School hours e.g between 8 and 4 - Limited visibility, and the second parameter is the location - e.g. IP location.
Can pause tabs, close tabs, send messages for why a tab is being closed. and send messages to student devices - can remotely open URLs' for students and have it sent out.
You can block specific sites on this part too! Highlights also allows you to see the different places your students have been in.
Hapara also has lots of PLD and courses. We can access and self learn or can have PLD webinars - Just contact Lenva - via email.
Manaiakalani 1:1 Journey
Partnership, Participation, and protection.
Partnership in the learning process
- Teachers with teachers
- learners with teachers
- learners with learners
- families with families.
- All Learners can participate
- All teachers are supported to become digitally fluent when all devices are the same.
- Engagement through device ownership.
This happens behind the scenes and incorporates things like teacher dashboard and Hapara, N4L ...
Children's default if they don't know what to do or when the learning is to hard is to default to Utube and games.
Digital Fluency starts with the ability to use the device!
We had lots of time today to play around on Chrome books which was actually quite neat as I have never really used one. Great to learn so many short cuts and many of them are useable on a normal computer too.
We completed a digital dig slide presentation based on this. This was a series of slides in a slide deck asking you to do a range of things using the Chromebook shortcuts.
Afterward, we also had time to look into Explain everything. One really cool thing I learned was that there is a computer version and although it is not as functional as the iPad version it is a great resource to create EE's for children to use.
During this time I also spent time with another educator troubleshooting a few issues we had both had with EE. This was beyond the task that we were asked to complete but for us was far more worthwhile. It also left me feeling very motivated, and also made me realize I know and do more with EE than I sometimes let myself take credit for.
In the afternoon we also were given a task of ether creating a movie or Hapara workspace to support an aspect of SMART learners. This was a great opportunity to play with Hapara workspace as this was something I had NEVER done before. I really enjoyed using this and am looking forward to trialing this out next week when I am on Digital Support Release - as we wanted to do a teacher revisit for Smart Learners (based around KAWA of care) - due to a high level of insurance claims post COVID Lockdown.
During the morning break I connected with another Year 0-1 teacher and we discussed our sites and changes we have been making to them. This was great to hear how some of what we had on our site was useful to her (as I had been feeling very ho-hum about ours - due to its teacher like focus). I also shared what I was working on to change this and also she shared a site she was developing for possible COVID-19 Level 3 Lockdown. This was HIGHLY valuable, affirming, and inspiring. - This connecting is possibly one of my main reasons to be apart of this course. So thanks, everyone. This teacher was also able to share a bank of Explain Everything resources she had been given by a Maniakalani facilitator. This will be very useful in again affirming or inspiring further EE resource creation and link to my site pages that are being updated.
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