
Thursday, 17 September 2020

DFI - Day 9 - Revision

Exam day

Here we go ready for the 3-hour exam for Google educator level 1.  Fingers crossed.  :-)

Ubiquitous Learning

Ubiquitous learning is all about A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Any pace (from anyone) - All student-driven and centered.  This is what makes learning now and in the future more engaging, rewindable, and focused shifting students to a higher level of student achievement.  

This year has definitely been the year of ubiquitous learning coming into its own with the need to do distance learning with COVID19. 

High-quality learning is the ultimate goal - where learners are experiencing high-quality learning experiences right now (and all the time) while we are not with them.  This is great for relievers as they are able to just pop in and carry on without us - e.g. the learning is online and accessible and so the learning carries on regardless of the teacher.

School days are no longer 9-3 - Learning carries on outside of these hours.  Rewindable learning is such an important part of this outside of 9-3 hours but it is also a fantastic way to reinforce learning at home and for parents to see what it is we are focusing on.

"Technology enables removal of barriers, previously inconceivable solutions to problems, opportunities for new ways of learning - It's not just a tool" - A quote from the slide deck.

Rewindable learning

Today we were reminded of Rewindable learning.  This is something that has become a guiding principle in what we do in our classroom.  "If it's worth teaching, it's worth capturing" & "if it's worth learning, it's worth capturing" - Rewindable learning makes learning accessible to more learners and not just in class but when-ever, where-ever, and how-ever they learn best.

Completion of DFI

It has been fantastic to learn more about the background of the Manaiakalani pedagogy.  Completing DFI has also given me the time to implement and refine lots of strategies and skills, and actually come up with more inviting and engaging resources for children in my learning space. It also gave me time to streamline other elements e.g. emails.  Many of these things I knew, and have done many of these things YEARS ago but never get around to updating - So DFI has been about reconnecting/reflecting and revising these things. 

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